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Showing posts from June, 2021

As Tourism Resumes after Pandemic, Alaskans Again Face Stupid Questions from Visitors

After seventeen turbulent months of suspended travel, tourists are again flocking to Alaska this summer, bringing a much-needed boost to local economies and a seemingly endless barrage of silly questions about life in Alaska.  At Big John’s Truck Stop in Soldotna, where a constant stream of summer visitors stop en route towards fishing charters, cashiers keep a running list of memorable tourist queries. The list offers a comprehensive look into the mindset of tourism in the post-COVID environment. Among them: Can I fill the gas tank for my RV from the Alaska Pipeline?  Where do they offer moose rides?  Is there an income tax here? Where is the nearest public transportation?  How long do I have to stay to get my free 1000 dollars?  Can you see the northern lights in the summer?  Can you really see Russia from Sarah Palin’s house? How do you sleep when it is dark all winter?  Do you think we could save the polar bears by teaching them to pull dogsleds?  Where can

Fairbanks man “for sure” going to finish putting up house siding this summer

  When Kevin Currier moved up to Fairbanks in 1992, he didn’t wait long to buy his own slice of paradise. The 1.5 acre plot of land, located just off Farmers Loop Road, had everything he wanted. A gravel pad was already installed and it lay just outside the permafrost zone, not too far from the golf course.  Currier built a one bedroom dry cabin on the property with the help of two friends his first summer, but he was enrolled at the university and just barely managed to get the plywood and insulation up before the weather turned. He spent his first three winters in the unfinished house, as first one thing, then another, kept him from finishing the construction of his home.  “You know how it is here in Alaska,” said Currier. “It’s really the land of opportunity. Trails to ride, mountains to climb, late night calls from the troopers to go field dress another roadkill moose... Unfortunately, that’s always made it hard to find those extra couple days to finish up my house.